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Au Village
Castera Lectourois


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Price per night:

price from €65




Description for B&B:

Located on a promontory within the fortified Castera village, La Boulègue showcases breathtaking panoramic vistas of the surrounding countryside. With a touch of elegance, our 16th and 18th-century property offers beautifully adorned bedrooms that have been carefully curated by your hosts, Jean-Michel and Nelly.


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After departing from Lectoure, proceed towards Agen on N21. After approximately 4km, take a left turn onto D219 towards Castera Lectourois. Continue driving until you reach the village center, which is approximately 4km away.


Swimming Pool


  • Lectoure Cathedral: Located in the heart of Lectoure, this stunning cathedral dates back to the 14th century and boasts remarkable Gothic architecture. Visitors can admire its intricate details, beautiful stained glass windows, and take in panoramic views from the bell tower.
  • Baise River: The Baise River flows through the picturesque landscapes surrounding Castera Lectourois. Visitors can enjoy boat rides, fishing, or simply relax by the riverside while taking in the tranquil atmosphere and scenic views.
  • Lectoure Thermal Baths: Known for its thermal springs, Lectoure offers a rejuvenating experience at its thermal baths. Visitors can enjoy a range of wellness treatments, including thermal baths, massages, and beauty therapies, all while surrounded by the serene beauty of the region.
  • Château de Lagarde: Situated on a hilltop near Lectoure, the Château de Lagarde is a medieval fortress that offers visitors a glimpse into the region's rich history. Explore the castle's towers, ramparts, and courtyards, and admire the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Espalais Castle: Located in the nearby village of Espalais, this charming castle dates back to the 13th century. Visitors can explore the castle's elegant architecture, stroll through its well-maintained gardens, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • The Pilgrims' Way: Known as the "Chemin de Saint-Jacques," the Pilgrims' Way passes through Castera Lectourois. This ancient pilgrimage route, part of the famous Camino de Santiago, offers scenic walks through the French countryside and the opportunity to experience the spiritual heritage of the region.
  • Saint-Clar Market: Just a short drive from Castera Lectourois, the town of Saint-Clar hosts a vibrant weekly market. Visitors can immerse themselves in the lively atmosphere, browse stalls selling local produce, handicrafts, and enjoy regional delicacies.
  • Lectoure Museum of Art and History: Housed in the former Bishop's Palace, this museum showcases a diverse collection of art and historical artifacts. From Roman artifacts to contemporary art, visitors can explore the region's cultural heritage through various exhibitions and displays.
  • Terraube Castle: Situated in the village of Terraube, this medieval castle offers a glimpse into the region's feudal past. Visitors can explore the well-preserved fortress, visit the charming village, and enjoy panoramic views of the Gascon countryside. 10. La Romieu: A short drive from Castera Lectourois, the village of La Romieu is known for its impressive collegiate church and picturesque streets. Visitors can explore the village's medieval architecture, visit the famous cat-filled Cloister, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of this historic place.